The Warriors

Nikki is a civilian from Coney Island. She was voiced by Lane Keough.

In The Game[]

She can be seen in Coney free roam before missions 4, 12, 13, and 14.


  • "This way!" - LET'S GO
  • "Stay there, okay?" - HOLD UP
  • "Beat them up!" - WRECK 'EM ALL
  • "Need some help here?! Please?!" - WATCH MY BACK
  • "Show 'em who's boss!" - Threat
  • "Get those punks out of our neighbourhood!" - Threat
  • "Fuck 'em up good for me!" - Threat
  • "Last time I go to this jerk's house..." - Talking to herself
  • "Um, my boyfriend's waiting for me..." - When passing a Warrior
  • "Aren't you afraid of breaking something out there in the battlefield? I know I would be." - When passing a Warrior
  • "You're CRAZY to be going out there every night. YOU should be at home with a girl, like me..." - When passing a Warrior
  • "I got diseases! BIG diseases!" - When getting mugged
  • "Get OFF me!" - When getting mugged
  • "Here. Here! Take it." - When mugged
  • "Fine! Just let me go." - When mugged
  • "Mommy! Ugh! MOMMY!" - Attacked while handcuffed
  • "I'm looking for my cat, have you seen her?" - During conversation

