The Warriors

The train would help! Unless you wanna go up there and get japped on an open platform.

- Fox to his gang members on why they are waiting

Fox is the scout of the Warriors. He is the memory man. Street smart and quick witted; a perfect scout. He is played and voiced by Thomas G. Waites.


Fox is a small, thin, white male with brown curly hair and a chain around his neck. He wears his Warriors vest buttoned up, unlike the majority of other members of the gang.

Ethnicity: Polish-American

Real Name: Francis Conroy

Height: 5'9"


Fox is very streetwise and intelligent, knowing many things about all the other gangs. He is also very cautious, preferring to not get into fights, unlike some of the other members. This makes him an excellent scout. Fox is also very passive, really only showing aggression when calling Mercy a whore.

In The Film

Fox was one of the nine Warriors to go to the meeting in the Bronx. He actually witnessed Luther shoot Cyrus and narrowly avoided being shot himself. His next role in the movie was in Tremont negotiating with the Orphans. He actually managed to flatter the Orphans into letting them pass peacfully until Mercy riles them up. When the gang is split up, he gets attacked by a police officer and in the scuffle, gets tossed on the tracks and is hit by a subway train and killed.

In The Game

Fox joined the Warriors on July 22th, 1978. His initiaton was to steal the Savage Huns' loansharking book in Chinatown. Vermin was told to accompony him due to doubts about his physical abilities. To add to the challange, both of them had to wear shirts that boldly displayed the phrase "Fuck U Huns!" They were able to get the book and even beat the Savage Huns' leader, Ghost, in a fight.

In The Novel

There is no character in the novel that resembles Fox, as the Coney Island Dominators have no scout.


On the subway ride to the prison, Swan thinks about Fox. Rembrandt tells him there was nothing he could do to prevent Fox's death.

Fighting Ability

Fox's strength comes more from his mental ability than physical. While not a particularly strong fighter, Fox can certainly hold his own in most fights. He is shown to be skilled enough to defeat the admittedly skilled Savage Huns and their leader Ghost. 

He is not playable in Street Brawl.

Heavy: Uncuffing, Lock Picking                     Strength: 3/10
Solid: Tagging, Stealing                           Stamina:  5/10
Lame:  Resisting Arrest, Mugging                   Health:   3/10
                                                   Rage:    10/10


"It was Cleon's choice. Swan's war chief" - To Ajax on why he can't be Warlord

"We were just at that big meeting up in the Bronx. We're goin' home to Coney, the train gets messed up by the fire and dumps us here." - Explaining the Warriors predicament to Sully

"Well, that must be because you guys are so bad, they're afraid of you." - Complementing the Orphans to get passage though their turf


  • Fox was the original love interest for Mercy. When the director changed it to Swan, the actors arguments with the director caused the later to decide to have Fox die.
  • Fox is the only Warrior not in the movie's credits, due to his feud with the director.

